The 7 Adventures of Sinbad – 2010 – a typical hangover movie!

7 Adventures of Sinbad

7 Adventures of Sinbad is what I call a typical hangover movie. It’s actually quite lousy in every aspect; some digitized montages are downright dreadful, but it still has a certain charm that appeals. It doesn’t matter if you doze off or look away for a moment, and the Blu-ray edition undeniably offers entertaining picture quality! The best of both worlds for a hangover. Entertaining enough but still not interesting enough to keep 100% focus on.

The adventures themselves could have been visually stunning if more time and money were invested in production. However, that’s not something they bothered with in 7 Adventures of Sinbad. If there’s something slightly better, it’s the actors who are not catastrophialc, they’re even decent. The film unfolds with one of Sinbad’s descendants in a contemporary setting. Of course, mixed with mythological creatures and the such things.

Regardless, it remains a hangover movie that you can either have or miss. It’s entertaining enough not to be bothersome and straightforward enough not to require the slightest effort to enjoy. Assigning a rating to such a film isn’t easy since entertainment value may outweigh actual qualities, but in the end, isn’t film about entertainment rather than academically formulated thoughts about the art form.

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Tommy Snöberg Söderberg

Autodidact film scholar and music-loving thinker who reads the occasional book.

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