Tagged: Space

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 0

Douglas Adams: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – 1979

I’ve previously acquainted myself with the story of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy through the 2005 film and the 1981 BBC series. Consequently, the plot was not new to me in any way. However, since it’s often said that the book is always better than the movie, I gave it a chance. My expectations were a hefty brick that would take quite a long time to get through with countless paragraphs of bureaucratic explanations. So,...

Star Crash 0

Star Crash – 1978

It doesn’t really show on the poster art above, but Star Crash has a pretty similar font as another famous science fiction movie that came out a year prior to this. Of course, it’s a cash-in on Star Wars. There, I said it! The similarities are there, but they are also absent. Star Crash doesn’t claim to be a reality long ago in a galaxy far away. It pretends nothing. It’s just a story that...

Rebel Moon Part 0ne 0

Rebel Moon Part One: A Child of Fire – 2023

As the title of this movie, Rebel Moon Part One – A Child of Fire is somewhat long and clumsy. I will refer to it as only Rebel Moon Part One in the text. I think this makes sense because if there is a part one, there should be a part two later, right? That ought to be enough to distinguish them from each other anyway. Star Wars I know I’m not the only one...

Star Crystal 0

Star Crystal – 1986 – An Alien Ripoff

Star Crystal is a movie you probably never heard about. And there’s a reason why. You really don’t need to see this one, believe me. The poster art looks promising and all and there’s a fairly thought-through plot in there somewhere. But it’s very poorly executed. The actors are bad, the music is unmotivated, and all that which you surely can relate to from a bad movie. But it isn’t hideously bad as you might...

Babylon 5 the Gathering 0

Babylon 5 – The Gathering

When I first saw Babylon 5: The Gathering back in the day I had no thoughts of it being a pilot for a sci-fi series. It just didn’t occur to me. I guess most pilots for series are like movies though. They have a beginning and an end much like any other film. The Gathering contains some secrets though. So as a film, it doesn’t reveal enough of the truth needed to conclude it. As...
