Tagged: Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 0

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 – 2022

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 more or less starts off where the first movie left us. Dr. Robitnik comes back from the mushroom planet and allies with the red creature Knuckles. I can’t remember this character from the original SEGA games but it might have been something that was added to the later releases of it. I don’t even remember how many of the I played so it’s quite possible. In Sonic the Hedgehog 2 he...

Sonic the Hedgehog 0

Sonic the Hedgehog – 2020 – based on SEGA classic!

Let me tell you a story about me and my history with SEGA games. When I was in the military back in the early 90s we used to play those games during our breaks. I guess I was the fondest of it because it was always me who rented it. This was long ago and you could actually rent both the play unit and the games. Anyway, once there were no units available for rent...
