Tagged: Shark

Monsternado 0

Monsternado – 2023

If you thought it was farfetched with the Sharknado movies, think again. Monsternado takes it all one step further. I don’t even know where to begin. The story itself is not much worse than all of the other silly and stupid monster movies that have been coming out in recent years. Monsternado is most definitely inspired by the Sharknado movies but I guess everyone seeing the title figured that much out already. Basically, it’s about...

Deep Fear 0

Deep Fear – 2023 – Diving, Cocaine and Sharks

When you encounter poster art like the one for Deep Fear you immediately think that it’s a Shark Movie you’re dealing with. At least that was my thoughts. And, there are sharks in it to be sure. I do think that the poster is misleading though as the sharks are not the main subject of the film. I think the title itself – Deep Fear, aims at an incident that happened many years ag for...

Shark bait 0

Shark Bait aka Jetski – 2022

Shark Bait is one of the new Shark Movies out there. You know that there’s been lots and lots of bad shark movies in recent years and when the Sharknado franchise is actually one of the better ones you know the genre is in trouble. That is if shark movies really are a subgenre all of its own. It might just be so because there is one title sillier than the next and when you...
