Tagged: Sequels

Jeepers Creepers 3 0

Jeepers Creepers 3 – 2017 – The 3rd film or 2nd?

When I saw Jeepers Creepers 3 just the other day I had absolutely no recollection of the previous two movies in the series. I knew I’d seen them but much more details than that were beyond my memory. That’s kind of the story of my life. I usually remember my impressions of movies but seldom details like the plot… I did remember that the second one talked place on a school bus, which turned out...

Attack on titan 2 0

Attack on Titan Part 2 – 2015 – The story continues

When I saw the first movie Attack on Titan I wasn’t too impressed. But since I already had both of the movies I thought it would be a shame to not watch the sequel as well. I’m not sure Attack on Titan Part 2 is a traditional sequel though. It might just be a continues story. There are however some resumé at the beginning. In my case, I didn’t need it. I didn’t wait for...

Smokey and the bandit 3 0

Smokey and the Bandit 3 – 1983 – Third installment

It’s not unusual that sequels get worse and worse the longer away from the original movie they come. Smokey and the Bandit is not an exception. The first film was fun and entertaining. The second seemed like torture for the actors and this… well… even Burt Reynolds refused this one! There are a few flashbacks in the beginning and some scenes at the end where he’s present though. I’m not sure if this is recycled...

smokey and the bandit 2 0

Smokey and the Bandit 2 – 1980 – One more time

Smokey and the Bandit was the film that I thought I saw back in the old days. It’s seems that it actually was the first movie though since I don’t reorganize anything from this one. It may seem odd that I’ve seen and reviewed thousands of flicks but never saw these classics. But that’s how it is and you can never cover everything on your frame of reference even how much you try. In this...

Final destination 3 0

Final Destination 3 – 2006 – some more death…

I still like the franchise up to this point. It is, however, starting to becoming tiresome to see the same movie over and over again. Of course I realize that many sequels repeat the concept over and over again. But in this case it’s so… final! Final Destination 3 explores another lethal accident. Or should we say near lethal since a few of the participants of the rollercoaster survives. Like before it’s because of a...

Mockingjay part 2 0

The Hunger Games – Mockingjay Part 2 – 2015

The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2 begins right where the earlier film left off. It should be since it’s more or less the same film, only a really long one if it weren’t divided into two parts. It’s not a really worthy closure of the story though. I feel like it underestimates its audience. It’s not hard to figure out what’s going to happen in the end. The main story is so obvious that it...

mockingjay part 1 0

The Hunger Games – The Mockingjay Part 1 – 2014

When a film passes the criteria for a trilogy and becomes four connected movies you realize that the story is quite long. I’m not sure if The Hunger Games should be considered four different movies though. The story spans over all four parts and it’s not only connected by the theme. The story itself is dived through four films. The last two are even connected by name Mockingjay part 1 & 2. I think these...

Catching fire 0

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – 2013

To be honest I thought this Hunger Games sequel – Catching Fire, would be more or less a reprise of the first movie. I wasn’t sure how they would explain it story-wise but in a totalitarian regime I guess anything is possible. Even promises to the people can be broken. Hey! Who am I kidding? This is done by politicians every day in the real world. Why should the Hunger Games universe be any different?...

Final destination 2 0

Final Destination 2 – 2003 – Ali Larter returns

It’s unusual, but I actually things that the sequel Final Destination 2 is slightly better than the original. The death scenes are more imaginative. Not much but a little. I also like that a cast member of the first movies is included again. In this films universe she has been around once before and have some of the answers. The concept is the same as in the first movie. Here we have a massive accident...

Jigsaw 0

Jigsaw – 2017 – Final(?) episod of the serial killer saga?

What is this? The seventh or eighth installment of this franchise? Never mind that, there’s no shame in a load of sequels and it certainly doesn’t mean that there’s a difference quality-wise. Sure, most of the time a film series loses quality the larger the number of sequels gets. This might even be true for the Saw franchise. I really can’t remember any of the previous parts in general. I remember the overall concept but...

The Last Jedi 0

Star Wars VIII – 2017 – The Last Jedi

I’m kinda impressed by anyone that attempts to write and direct a sequel to such a well-known saga as Star Wars. Everyone kinda knows the story already and chances are big that you write something that die-hard Star Wars fans consider contradictive against the franchise canon. I, myself, don’t consider myself to be a die-hard fan though. I think there’s way too much information to keep track of anyway. And besides, what can you do about it?...


Quarantine 2: Terminal – 2011 – Stand Alone Sequel

A flight from L.A. is forced to do an emergency landing when one of the passengers starts to attack the others. When they finally reach the ground there seems to by no help available. They search for a free gate where they expect to find medical personal. But nothing happens. All entries to the terminal are locked. What’s going on? Soon they realize that the entire building is surrounded and quarantined. A virus turn one...