Tagged: Ryan Reynolds

Green Lantern 0

Green Lantern – 2011 – Ryan Reynolds

I know I watched Green Lantern sometime when it first was released and didn’t like it that much. Somewhere in the back of my mind I kinda recall that not so many people liked it. If that were the audience or the critics I can’t remember. But I see that it was nominated for a few prizes and won a few as well so it coulnd’t have been so bad? I do remember a joke...

Red Notice 0

Red Notice – 2021 – Oneliners and action + some heist

Red Notice is one of those movies where you get exactly what you expect! If you’ve seen a few movies with Ryan Reynolds you know what kind of one-liners movies he’s usually in and you know that Dwayne Johnson is usually in big productions. If you combine these two elements you get Red Notice. It’s big and it’s loud but also very funny. At least that’s true for me! But If you’re not a fan...

Free Guy 0

Free Guy – 2021 – Give my liberty or give me death

I think Ryan Reynolds is a pretty funny guy, also so in Free Guy. I don’t know how much of it that’s actually an act since I’ve seen him hilariously funny in several interviews. Does he always play a role or is he really that funny? I don’t know. But it seems to come naturally to him. Maybe he has a huge impact on the script and the dialog in his movies or he’s just...

Deadpool 2 0

Deadpool 2 – 2018

I saw the first Deadpool in the theatre. The plan was to see the second one there as well but when I premiered I wasn’t able to fulfill that goal. Luckily I’m totally satisfied by watching movies at home. Actually, it’s my favorite way of watching movies. Comfortable and without having to travel anywhere. I just had to wait for Deadpool 2 coming out on DVD and Blu-ray. Then I forgot about it until I...