Tagged: Oscar Isaac

Dune 0

Dune – 2021

I’m one of those who actually enjoyed David Lynch’s attempt at Dune from 1984. I know it does not stand in high esteem among most people but I never had a problem with it. I’ve even heard rumors that David Lynch wanted to take his name from it because it didn’t represent his vision. I would sure have wanted to see Jodorowsy’s Dune but in the meantime, I’ll settle for this. I recognize the story...

The card counter 0

The Card Counter – 2021 – Dark DARK story about torture

The Card Counter is one of those movies that doesn’t reveal its true nature by the title alone. I had not done my research and figured this was about some dude playing cards at casinos and getting caught counting cards. I know that counting cards aren’t exactly against the rules but if you’re too good at it you still will get escorted out and put on the casino’s black list. Or at least that’s what...

The Last Jedi 0

Star Wars VIII – 2017 – The Last Jedi

I’m kinda impressed by anyone that attempts to write and direct a sequel to such a well-known saga as Star Wars. Everyone kinda knows the story already and chances are big that you write something that die-hard Star Wars fans consider contradictive against the franchise canon. I, myself, don’t consider myself to be a die-hard fan though. I think there’s way too much information to keep track of anyway. And besides, what can you do about it?...
