Tagged: Martial Arts

Snow White and the Seven Samurai 0

Snow White and the Seven Samurai – 2024

Snow White and the Seven Samurai is a 2024 movie from the Asylum studio. Movies from the Asymum studios often have something to hope for. Let’s say that they don’t always deliver on their mark. But I’ve heard good about this from Voices From the Balcony, so I thought I’d give it a go. I’m rather anxious when I see Eric Roberts in the early scenes of the movie. I usually don’t connect his name...

Lady Dragon 2 0

Lady Dragon 2 – 1993

Lady Dragon 2 has absolutely nothing to do with the first film. There’s no connection between them whatsoever. Apart from that Cynthia Rothrock stars in both of course. But she doesn’t even play the same person. She looks different and she has a different name. So there! Oh, wait. There is something else they have in common – revenge! In this one, Cynthia Rothrock plays a fighter known as the “The Golden Angel”. The film...

Lady Dragon 0

Lady Dragon – 1992

Lady Dragon is an action movie from 1992 starring Martial Artist Cynthia Rothrock. She might not be the best actor ever even during her 80-90 films when she was kind of a C action star. She was doing the same character over and over again. There was either a woman caught in the underground fighting scene or a cop infiltrating one. I’m exaggerating of course, but if you boil it down to the essentials, that’s...

the Last Kumite 0

The Last Kumite – 2024

The Last Kumite is not a movie that is revolutionary in any way. There are plenty of other movies focusing on secret fighting or fighting tournaments. There are really just two things to look for in this movie. First is if there are any cool fighting sequences and some nice choreography. I was disappointed in that area very early in the movie. I felt like the fighting sequences were very far off and that it...

Ninja 0

Ninja – 2009

Ninja from 2009 feels to me like a story that has been told and retold already. Basically, there’s this American Guy, who was taken care of by a Japanese Dojo, och School, or whatever you like to call it. He’s more or less been orphaned and becomes like a son to the owner/father figure of the story. There’s also the Japanese man who also feels like a son but falls into disgrace and is eventually...

Iron Monkey 0

Iron Monkey – 1993 – A Kung Fu Classic!

Iron Monkey is one of those movies that I never saw, but always wanted to see. Finally, I’ve seen it. It was very entertaining! I think we can leave the plot aside really. It’s about this Robin Hood kind of character but in the Far East. I don’t really know if the Iron Monkey is part of Chinese folklore. I wouldn’t be surprised but it doesn’t matter anyway. It’s a classic story about a masked...

Death Machines 0

Death Machines – 1976 – Unstoppable Martial Artists

Death Machines is one of those movies that only could be made in the 70s. It’s about this crime boss being forced to hire a Lady Dragon Boss to do his dirty work after she has his hitmen killed off one by one. This was a good story back in the day. Or maybe not the story itself, but the Kung Fu Action. It appears she has injected her own hitmen with a serum that...

Bruce Lee Fights Back From the Grave 0

Bruce Lee fights back from the Grave – 1976

Bruce Lee Fights Back From the Grave is the worst kind of Brucesploitation there is. They haven’t even bothered to include any scenes with Bruce Lee anywhere in the picture. What you get is lightning hitting Bruce Lees Grave and that’s all…it’s over in like thirty seconds. The rest of the film regards a Kung Fu instructor tracking down a few thugs who he believes have murdered his friend. He has to fight his way...

samurai cop 0

Samurai Cop – 1991

Back in my youth, we used to call films like Samurai Cop “karate movies”. Well, maybe not really because there are very little martial arts fighting in this movie. Most of the time “karate movies” were Asian flicks with a lot of hand-to-hand fighting in them. Some Chuck Norris flicks qualified under the umbrella and certainly movies with Cynthia Rothrock. But there was usually no samurai in them at all. Ocassianly there were ninjas in...

Masked Avenger Versus Ultra-Villain in the Lair of the Naked Bikini 0

Masked Avenger Versus Ultra-Villain and the lair of the Naked Bikini – 2000 – The Masturbating Gunman

Masked Avenger Versus Ultra-Villain in the Lair of the Naked Bikini is a pretty long title. I guess there are other flicks with even longer titles but I don’t think there are too many of them out there. There is also an alternate title that is not only shorter but also more to the point – The Masturbating Gunman. And that’s essentially what the film is about. At least in part. This Masturbating Gunman is...

Enter the Ninja 0

Enter the Ninja – 1981 – Franco Nero is badass!

I was still in my youth when I first saw this film and at first I thought it was horrible! I really liked one ninja flick and that was Ninja III: The Domination. The need to compare all other ninja flicks to that one was imminent. It wasn’t until later that I understood that not all ninja flicks deal with supernatural powers. In fact, very few of them do. Enter the Ninja is really one...

Ninja Dragon 0

Ninja Dragon – 1986 – Not so much Ninja..

Ninja Dragon seems to be the left overs from some other ninja flick done in the same era. Richard Harrisson looks exactly the way he did in Ninja Terminator and there’s not much plot in this one. Actually there’s not much “ninja” either. There is a few scenes where they fight each other but for the most part this is more like a regular crime thriller. It’s dubbed of course but I don’t care about...