Tagged: HP Lovecraft

The Old Ones 0

H. P. Lovecraft’s the Old Ones – 2024

The Old Ones is a tale based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Of course, the title itself is rather exciting – The Old Ones screams like an H.P. Lovecraft tale. But also the fonts in the absolute beginning of the film give me a vibe of that 70’s gothic horror kind of thing that is hard to put into words. It’s just that vibe or that feel to it. Of course, It depends on...


The Haunter of the Dark II – 2017 – Underground lowbudget

First of all, I regret that I have to say that I haven’t seen the first movie. It has happened before that I’ve seen movie in the wrong order and it’s never good. I have no idea if The Haunter of the Dark part one is connected to part two in any way. I have done my best to see it as a stand alone feature. To get som basic information about the previous film is...

Color out of space 0

Colors out of Space – H.P. Lovecraft tale…

I have never seen Nicolas Cage as a bad actor. When looking around on the internet you can find many people clinging to that opinion though. They say that the movie would be so much better with another leading actor. For me, that has never been an issue. On the contrary, I have always regarded him as a fine actor and the movie in which he appears to be entertaining. Obviously not all of them...