Tagged: Found Footage

Hate Crime 0

Hate Crime – 2012 – Antisemitism at its worst

I sought out Hate Crime because I saw a documentary about Found Footage movies the other day – The Found Footage Phenomenon. It was an ok documentary but it didn’t bring much new to me. I might write something about it in another post later, we’ll see. But there were a few movie excerpts from different movies to visualize the different kinds of Found Footage movies. One of these examples was Hate Crime, and there...

Dark Web 0

Unfriended: Dark Web – 2018

Just like the predecessor Unfriended, Dark Web lets us see what’s going on via the computer screen. And this is more or less everything these movies have in common. At least if we take the obvious things, like people dying and someone is hacking the computers of the friends connected to char via skype. In Dark Web one of them has found a computer at a café and brought it home. There are a few...

Unfriended 0

Unfriended – 2014 – The Dead Comes Back

I have tagged Unfriended as a found footage flick but that’s not entirely true. It’s about these kids skyping and we get to see everything as they would see it on their computer screen. But I guess someone must have found it for us to be seeing it…unless we’re part of the chat, but we’re not. There’s also a background of another one of their friends that committed suicide a year ago or so. The...

#Screamers 0

#Screamers – 2016 – Kinda scary at times

I feel like #Screamers isn’t a bad film actor wise. It’s kinda hard to say since it’s basically a film where someone gets interviewed or by some other means tells their story to a camera. We get to follow this company that collects info about their visitors to get them the best experience possible. I guess that companies collecting data on its customers’ internet habits aren’t such a new thing. Especially since there been a...

As Above So Below 0

As Above So Below – 2014 – Exploring the Catacombs

I don’t know how many times I said it already, but once the cover art is as appealing as this, the movie just has to be good! That’s not true of course. No film should be judged solely by the cover art. But still, I think people develop a sixth sense for these kinds of things. When you can enough experience you can tell the probability of this och that movie being good. As far as...

My little Eye 0

My Little Eye – 2002 – Big Brother sees you!

I remember when My Little Eye first came out. It was pretty hated by horror film fans out there. I, for one, actually liked it. A few weeks ago I decided to re-watch it to see if I was “wrong” back then or if I actually still liked it. To be honest, My Little Eye is a somewhat “dumb” film. The acting isn’t much to brag about and there aren’t enough brutality in it. I...
