Tagged: Disaster

Stonehenge Apocalypse 0

Stonehenge Apocalypse – 2010

I’ve always been fascinated by mystic places and things that mankind can’t explain. It might be mythical places like Shangri-La or ancient cities in South America. Of course, Stonehenge is no exception. Why are those stones there? Who put them there? How did they manage to move the enormous blocks from so far away? I’ve also always been fascinated by disaster movies and Sci-Fi. Som when these premises are combined in the same movie it...

Absolute zero 0

Absolute Zero – 2006 – a freezing disaster

First off, there are a couple of things I don’t get with Absolute Zero. If you’re on an expedition to Antarctica, don’t you wear gloves in the cold? If the temperature drops to absolute zero (273 C / 459 F) everything will freeze, including the nitrogen and oxygen in the air. How can still the winds blow? How can helicopters fly? Apart from mistakes like this in the story, I think the drama works pretty...