Tagged: Bruce Kulick

Revenge 0

Kiss – Revenge – 1992

Revenge is the sixteenth studio album by Kiss. I have so far reviewed a significant portion of their album production and I have truly found varying qualities. Some albums are truly dismal to the point that I can hardly understand how they were released, while others are actually as good as one can expect from Kiss. I don’t mean this because they are musical geniuses, certainly not! But rather because Kiss is such a legendary...

Crazy Nights 0

Kiss – Crazy Nights – 1987

Crazy Nights was originally released when I still bought vinyl, or should I say, people still bought vinyl. I purchased the single for this album, “Crazy Crazy Nights,” and I thought it was really, really good! It is a catchy song with a good hook, fun lyrics, a good beat, easy to sing along to, and so on. It was simply appealing. However, I didn’t buy the album, and I remember being a bit disappointed...