Tagged: Alien

Star Crystal 0

Star Crystal – 1986 – An Alien Ripoff

Star Crystal is a movie you probably never heard about. And there’s a reason why. You really don’t need to see this one, believe me. The poster art looks promising and all and there’s a fairly thought-through plot in there somewhere. But it’s very poorly executed. The actors are bad, the music is unmotivated, and all that which you surely can relate to from a bad movie. But it isn’t hideously bad as you might...

Forbidden World 0

Forbidden World – 1982 – Mutated Evolution

Forbidden World is one of those movies with a kick-ass title, a kick-ass poster, and a kick-ass storyline. Well, at least the first two claims are true. As a matter of fact, I didn’t really know the story that Forbidden World was supposed to tell until I saw it. I was expecting some space traveler to land on a planet where he wasn’t supposed to be and where he would encounter monsters like those on...
