Scaremeister – 31 Spirits – 2014
Sometimes I get so bored with my own musical knowledge that I ask others to recommend me something. In those cases, I don’t really have any preferences as to what I’m after. Anything goes, I want my mind to be completely open towards the suggestions I get. I’m very serious about this and If I’m suggested stuff I never heard about it’s even better. Scaremeister is such a suggestion. I had absolutely no idea what it was. Obviously, the album cover and the length of the songs (most are under 2 minutes) got me thinking about film music. And that’s just what it is. I don’t know if it’s real film or not but I don’t think so. I think it’s made to imitate just that.
31 spirits have 31 tracks. They’re all instrumental which is something that I have a hard time with. Even if I don’t know the language it’s performed in, I still want vocals /most of the time). The exception is if the music is really really suggestive, like John Carpenters film music which I love. All in all, Scaremeister doesn’t do it for me though. It’s decent film music pastiches but nothing that gets me going.