Sacred Reich – Surf Nicaragua – 1988

Surf Nicaragua

Surf Nicaragua was probably not the first album I got with Sacred Reich. If it is an album that is. I guess it’s really an EP or a min album or something. There are six tracks on it and two are new if I’m not mistaken. Two original Sacred Reich songs that is. There is the title track – Surf Nicaragua, which is the whole point of owning this. Not to say that the other entries here are any bad, but they don’t come up to the same quality as the title track.

New is also One Nation. Both of these tracks are kinda political. But then again, that’s a calling card for Sacred Reich. Social-aware lyrics where they comment on racism, wars, bigotry, and other stuff like that. That might be why I like them so much too. It’s not just lyrics about chicks and headbanging.

Better produced

Anyway, Suft Nicaragua is a much better-produced effort than the previous album Ignorance. It’s more enjoyable to listen to even if there’s a song from their first demo included – Draining You of Life, which reminds me of Metallicas Whiplash. The main riff is similar in my ears. It’s a really good song and I like it a lot. There is also a cover of Black Sabbaths War Pigs which the band does good. Phil Rind sings it well and it suits his voice.

I am surprised about the two bonus live track too. They were both on the previous album Ignorance and I thought they were ok och that album. Here they are much better. If that is due to that they are performed live or that the production is better for the ears is a question to think about. But this is good! You can clearly hear where this is going! Towards the masterpiece The American Way!

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Tommy Snöberg Söderberg

Autodidact film scholar and music-loving thinker who reads the occasional book.

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