Metal Pilgrim – the one Metal Channel!

Metal Pilgrim

Metal Pilgrim is essentially a YouTube channel that I have followed for a long time. Or at least that’s what I thought it was. I can tell you that it’s so much more. If it’s just this guy – Vlad Stadnyk, running the whole show is uncertain. I don’t know, but I think he’s at least the main part of the channel’s success. I want to include a disclaimer here since I don’t want to diminish anyone working with this. Well, let’s put it like this then, Vlad Stadnyk is the face of Metal Pilgrim, there’s no doubt about that. I really commend him and the channel. We who love Metal should be very grateful to have such a driving spirit in our midst.

Of course, if you follow me on this blog or on any other social media, you know that I’m not all about Metal, not even when it comes to music. But let’s ignore that fact for now. This is the time to let Metal Pilgrim shine. I have been thinking of writing about this for quite a while but haven’t had the energy for it due to a personal crisis. But Now I feel there’s no excuse anymore. Metal Pilgrim is run out of Ukraine. There is a freaking war going on there! What is my personal crisis against that?

So, get up from your asses and support this channel. You can buy merch if you like or if nothing else just support the channel by subscribing and liking the content. There are too few Metal Enthusiasts of this magnitude out there. They’re fighting to keep the channel alive with great content despite the war going on all around them.

I salute you, sir! You are a true inspiration!

Tommy Snöberg Söderberg

Autodidact film scholar and music-loving thinker who reads the occasional book.

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