Hammerfall – Avenge the Fallen – 2024

Avenge the Fallen

Avenge the Fallen is the gazillionth album from Swedish Power Metal Band Hammerfall. Not really, of course, I think it’s their thirteenth album actually. You recognize yourself right away which is both a strength and a weakness. On the one hand, you know what you get, but on the other hand, knowing what you get is a little bit boring. And with a bond like Hammerfall, who I place somewhere between mockery of the Power Metal genre and actual Power Metal it’s very dangerous. I think they fall into the trap this time. It’s boring, no nerve.

It seems like you heard all the songs before the first time you listened to Avenge the Fallen. It’s not bad music, and if you like Power Metal it’s certainly enjoyable to a degree. But as I said, very boring. It sounds like it’s a product of needing to release another album either by contract issues or the necessity to stay in focus. With that said, I’m sure many of you will like and love it! You get exactly what you expect, no more no less.

There are ten songs, all of them are typically Power Metal sounding. Joacim Cans sings at the same power and pitch accuracy as before and the songs are all written by him and guitarist Oscar Dronjak as far as I understand it

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Tommy Snöberg Söderberg

Autodidact film scholar and music-loving thinker who reads the occasional book.

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