Free Guy – 2021 – Give my liberty or give me death

Free Guy

I think Ryan Reynolds is a pretty funny guy, also so in Free Guy. I don’t know how much of it that’s actually an act since I’ve seen him hilariously funny in several interviews. Does he always play a role or is he really that funny? I don’t know. But it seems to come naturally to him. Maybe he has a huge impact on the script and the dialog in his movies or he’s just that guy who makes everyone laugh at a party. There’s always one or two of those in each crowd, you know the ones that can entertain with ease and that everybody loves. Well, except those who find that special kind of humor infantile.

Anyway, if it wasn’t for Ryan Reynolds’s role in Deadpool, I probably wouldn’t know that much about him. I obviously know he made the Green Lantern back in the day and that he frequently jokes about how bad it is. But for me, he’s more or less that Deadpool guy and there was a lot of witty, stupid, and clever humor in that movie. Of course, it’s not for everybody but I really liked it and was even at the cinema and saw it. Unusual for me, but my sister paid for the ticket so how could I refuse? With that said, I wouldn’t even have watched this if it wasn’t for Deadpool. Maybe I said that already? Well, shit happens.

Free Guy starts out in a society where everything seems to be the same day by day. Some of the people, those with sunglasses, can break all the rules and also get the beautiful babe at the end of the day. The others live a very shallow life where everything seems to repeat itself. We soon learn that we’re in a computer game. The people with glasses are players and the rest are NPCs (non-playable characters). We also learn that the game is owned by a multimillion-dollar company and that there is something fishy about the code of the game. A couple of programmers thinks that their source code was stolen and used in the game. And this source code was a genius and really creme de la creme. It allowed the NPCs to evolve beyond their code. Of course, the owner of the game company denies this but we the audience, know that everything is not as it seems.

This brings us back to Ryan Reynolds who plays Guy. Yes, that’s really his name. He is an NPC that for some reason has the ability to evolve and even level up in the game. Something that should be impossible. Of course, this is because of the old source code. But no one knows that yet. Most bloggers and Youtubers think it’s a real player and the game company thinks it is a hacker. Either that or possibly a glitch or bug in the system. This starts a race between the original programmers, Guy, and the game company. There is information that can make or break the company if it comes out that the source code wasn’t licensed properly.

The special effects are very good and there are loads of people credited for it in the credits. I really like how it looks. You can feel that it is a game even if it looks like reality in many aspects. But there’s something to the lightning and the angles it’s shot at that gives it away. I also like Ryan Reynolds as you might have guessed by now and the other actors. I think some of them might be a bit over the top but if they’re in the game I can understand why they’re portrayed that way. Outside the game, it can be a little too though. No big deal but it could have been better. Overall I think it’s a little too simple and shallow. There are underlying themes of love, loneliness, and being there for a friend in need but it becomes a bit too silly in the end. Anything for a gag almost. The surface is great and it’s well made but I would have liked a little more soul to it.

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Tommy Snöberg Söderberg

Autodidact film scholar and music-loving thinker who reads the occasional book.

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