Category: Comedy

Sonic the Hedgehog 0

Sonic the Hedgehog – 2020 – based on SEGA classic!

Let me tell you a story about me and my history with SEGA games. When I was in the military back in the early 90s we used to play those games during our breaks. I guess I was the fondest of it because it was always me who rented it. This was long ago and you could actually rent both the play unit and the games. Anyway, once there were no units available for rent...

Dr Alien 0

Dr Alien – 1989 – Tongue-in-cheek…

Possibly the silliest movie I’ve ever seen. But kind of cool in a strange way. Judy Landers is sort of a sexy teacher who turns out to be an alien. She and her colleague performs some experiment on one of the student. This transforms him from a nerd to a really hut hunk that all the girls want. Most of this flick is an excuse for exhibit boobs. I don’t mind it at all but...

Ghost Warrior 0

Ghost Warrior – 1984 – A frozen Samurai

I must admit that I never heard about this movie before. It was more or less a bonus when I ordered som other stuff. It seemed nice and I figured, what the heck?! So I got Ghost Warrior and started watching it. The beginning is set in feudal Japan and I was hoping for it to stay there. It didn’t though and I guess that’s the whole point of the movie. In a fight this...

fantastic beats and where to find them 0

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them – 2016

It’s easy to believe that Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them would be up to par with JK Rowlings famous Harry Potter saga. This is far from the truth though. At least it is in my mind. I wasn’t even aware that it was a JK Rowlings story until the end credits. Of course I should have made the connection when Hogwarts are mentioned, but I didn’t. It’s actually referenced several times but I...

return to the bat cave the misadventures of adam and burt 0

Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt – 2003

I am a big fan of Batman the movie from 1966. It wasn’t good but it was great fun! And The intent of the movie and original series for that matter was purely entertainment in my mind. The suits were tacky and the jokes were even worse. That’s probably why I like it som much. And there was the text signs that said POW, BANG and KAPOSCH. So cool! So what to expect from Return...

the three worlds of Gulliver 0

The Three Worlds of Gulliver – 1960

If my memory serves me, Gulliver visited seven places during his four voyages. In Jonathan Swift’s original novel that is. with that said I must admit I was rather confused by the title – The Three Worlds of Gulliver. Which of these travels would be included? Well, as the cover tells us, the first voyage, to the land of Lilliput. Where very small people reside is included. This is the most famous story of course...

Thor: Ragnarok 0

Thor: Ragnarok – 2017 – Another piece of Marvel

Thor: Ragnarok is the third installment in the series. That means that even people like me, that barely saw the comic with this hero, knows a bit of the story and characters. As a Swede, I know a thing or two about Norse mythology though. But I guess that’s really no benefit since they have changed quite a few things in these films. Of course, the main hierarchy is still there. In other words, Odin is...

The Meteor Man 0

The Meteor Man – 1993 – A trip back to nostalgia land

The Meteor Man Once you look back to your youth or childhood and remember things you really enjoyed. Be aware that your memories might fool you. The masterpiece from your youth might not be such a gem anymore. Of course, the other way round is also true. I remember The Meteor Man as a silly and accidentally funny movie. Now I realize that it actually isn’t. Robert Townsend, who wrote, directed, and starred in it...


Worm – 2009 – Richard Powell is GOD

Geoffrey Oswald Dodd is a plain teacher and lives an ordinary life with content. He happily teaches his students and to grade their papers and there’s nothing special going on at all. At least that’s the outer image that people see, in reality the truth is somewhat different. He’s plagued with dark thought about (in his mind) the retarded students in the class and wants, beyond anything else, to bang the only bright thing in...
