Category: Art-House

Creature 2013 0

Creature 2013 – 2013 – No, I’m not sure I get it..

I can’t remember when I started to get absorbed by the films of Ronny Carlsson, Creature 2013 is no exception. He has made some brilliant movies and I was so taken by one of them (Recompense) that I decided to co-fund its release. Somehow I managed to mention that in every review I’ve made about his movies since then haha. I guess I’m proud of my contribution to film history! But it also means that...

Begotten 0

Begotten – 1991 – Purely Black and White

What is Begotten about? Well, God commits suicide and there’s born a woman from His body – Mother Earth. This woman then gives birth to a son who is dragged through the landscapes with a rope around his neck. Faceless and cannibalistic creatures torment him in various ways. I’ll admit that the synopsis is very sparse, but that’s more or less what it’s all about. And it’s not very clear at all. If the possibility...

Exodus 0

Exodus – 2021

There were mainly two reasons that I decided to watch Exodus. First, the title. There’s got to be something special about a movie called Exodus. I’m not a particularly religious man but I know this story from the Old Testament pretty well and Old Testament stories are usually a pretty solid base for a story. The second thing is the cover art. If you have gotten as far as I have in the fine art...

Behind the Cross 0

Behind the Cross – 2012

The plot or storyline of Behind the Cross is really too hard to put down in words, so I won’t even try to capture it in a few sentences. Instead, I’ll incorporate as much as I can in the text below. I don’t think there’s one straight storyline that’s told here anyway, and I think the viewer brings lots of him- or herself into it. If you really want this to be about a straightforward...
