Accept – Metal Heart – 1985

Metal Heart

Metal Heart is the sixth studio album by German Heavy Metal Band Accept. I first got it around when it came out (yes, I’m that old) and I still have the Vinyl version somewhere. Back in the day, I loved it. I loved how classical music was incorporated into the songs and I had never heard that before. These days, I’m rather disappointed if there isn’t any kind of that classical touch on an Accept album. But this is now and that was then. I was fifteen when this album was released and according to myself, I was kind of a rebel. I had already identified myself with songs like I’m a Rebel from years before. Now it was another song that caught my interest – Wrong is Right! It was the ultimate rebel song. At least it was to my fifteen-year-old ears.

That wasn’t the only song on Metal Heart that I found really good though! There are a few others: Midnight Mover, Up to the Limit, and Screaming for a Love-Bite which all were great back then. Now, it has been quite a while since I last listened to this. I remember it as a masterpiece. Could it still hold up to that standard? Well, no. At least not to me. All the songs that were great before are still great though. The title track – Metal Heart, the fabulous and aggressive Wrong is Right and all those songs I mentioned before were still great tracks in my no1 53-year-old ears. But that’s about it. All the good stuff was compiled at the beginning. It would be on side A of the vinyl edition.

Not that the latter part is bad in any way, it isn’t. But those songs just don’t reach up to the greatest songs of the album

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Tommy Snöberg Söderberg

Autodidact film scholar and music-loving thinker who reads the occasional book.

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