5ive Girls – 2006 – Occultism with Ron Perlman

5ive Girls

In the introduction or teaser, or whatever one may call it of 5ive Girls, the interest of the film’s content comes to life. Movies that explore deeply religious individuals and their connection with the dark occult side are almost always intriguing. Adding Ron Perlman in a role as a priest makes it even more interesting. The opening credits rolls, and the film shifts five years into the future.

As is customary with this type of temporal shift, the story starts a bit slow. Unfortunately not maintaining the same level of interest as the initial minutes. It remains watchable, but as the plot progresses, the narrative becomes progressively more absurd, leading to a loss of interest. The religious elements that could have made 5ive Gorls truly interesting are neglected in an attempt to make it scarier than it actually is.

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Tommy Snöberg Söderberg

Autodidact film scholar and music-loving thinker who reads the occasional book.

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